What We Do
We help people to become masters of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being so that they can make powerful, sustainable changes in their bodies and lives, adapt to stress more effectively, and lead even more resourceful, joyful, and meaningful lives. We utilize two revolutionary Reorganizational Healing (ROH) methodologies in order to accomplish this: NetworkSpinal (NS) and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI).

Frequently Asked Questions
What is NetworkSpinal (NS)?
NetworkSpinal (NS) care is an evidence-based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle, precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves–the respiratory wave and somato psychic wave–develop that are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness.
Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work.
To schedule your introductory visits: Call us at 760.692.0252
What is Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI)?
Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) exercises are designed to offer you new options in your experience of your body and personal healing. SRI educates you to your body through focused attention, gentle breath, movement, and touch. SRI provides you with a means of placing your attention on your body and provides you with a tool to enhance your healing and empowerment. The goal is to help you develop lifetime skills for safety, strength, wisdom, and love in relationship to the experience of your body, its structure, and energy. Through reconnecting your breath, touch, movement, and focused attention, you are able to experience your body more fully and instantly shift your state of consciousness to one that supports trust for the body-mind and life.
Are NS & SRI good for children?
Yes! We can help you give your child the best advantage in these areas of health and life.
- Immune System Function
- Athletic Performance
- Learning Ability in School
- Relationships with Others
- Adapting to Stress
- Body Awareness
- Neurological Adaptability
- Posture
You will definitely want to find out how NetworkSpinal care can improve your child’s health, wellness, and quality of life. Many kids have hidden spinal challenges that affect the nervous system and the body’s ability to adapt to life stresses. Some warning signs of possible spinal nerve stress are:
Frequent Colds or Flus, Ear Infections, Temper Tantrums, Digestive Problems
Sensory Overload, Bedwetting, Colic, Trouble Concentrating or Learning in School
Hyperactivity, Poor Posture, Difficulty Dealing with Daily Stress
NetworkSpinal care assists your child’s body in developing wellness strategies early in life. It strives to help children perceive the environment with less stress, express emotions more effectively, increase awareness of their spines, and make healthier, internally guided choices. During the course of care, it is common for parents to remark that their child’s disposition has improved, that they learn better in school, are more at peace, sleep better, and in general seem to function without restriction.
To Schedule Your Introductory Visits, call us at 760-692-0252
Or Email us at info@chiropracticcarlsbad.com.
What should I expect on my first visit?
To Schedule Your Introductory Visit, call Us at 760.692.0252
Consultation and Examination: 60 Minutes
We welcome you to Well Being for Life and look forward to meeting with you! On this visit, Dr. Anne will learn about your past and present health concerns and your wellness goals. Should you decide that this is the right place for you, Dr. Anne will perform a Documented Spine and Posture Examination to evaluate the various aspects of the shape, position, tone, and tension in your spinal system.
Dr. Anne will take two digital pictures of you (one from the front and one from the side) and perform an Advanced Computerized Posture Analysis to determine the amount of stress your body is experiencing due to posture imbalance. Posture is one of the greatest indicators of present and future health and well being.
Next, Dr. Anne will use a state-of-the-art computer system (Insight Millennium) to analyze the function and condition of your nervous system. Three tests will be performed: a Surface EMG Scan, Heart Rate Variability Scan, and a Thermal Scan. The data gathered here will show you specifically where you hold tension and the nature of the tension in your body.
With her hands, Dr. Anne will locate areas of tension and areas of peace over your spine and check your body for special indicators of adverse mechanical cord tension (spinal tension).
Report of Findings: 30 Minutes
After Dr. Anne has a chance to analyze the tests, she will review the results of your examination, answer any questions you may have, and discuss her recommendations for care with you. If you and Dr. Anne choose to move forward with care, you will be ready to receive your first NetworkSpinal entrainment (we call this a session)!
Additional Visits: 15-30 Minutes
At each session, you will receive care specific to your needs and goals to help improve the integrity of your spine, your body, and your nervous system. Sessions will include either NetworkSpinal (NS) or Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) exercises, or both. Progress Evaluations will be done at specific intervals during your program to monitor your progress and reassess your needs and goals.
What are the Researched Benefits of NS on Quality of Life?
For over 95% of the people who experience NS care, expectations of healing and quality of life shifts are met or totally exceeded.
Investigators at the University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, found that the following five categories all showed statistical and clinically significant benefits:
Improved Physical State relative to:
1. Less Physical Pain
2. Less Tension or Stiffness of the Spine
3. Improved allergies, eczema, and skin rashes
4. Fewer incidences of cold & flu
5. Fewer headaches
6. Less Menstrual discomfort
Improved Mental/Emotional State relative to:
1. Improved Positive Feelings about Self
2. Less Moodiness, Angry Outbursts, and Depression
3. More Interest in Life
4. Improved Ability to think and concentrate
5. Less Anxiety and Concern about Vague Fears
6. Improved Ability to Stay on Task
7. Less Distress about Pain
Improved Response to Stress relative to:
1. Family
2. Significant Relationship
3. Health
4. Finances
5. Daily Problems
6. Work
7. General Well Being
Improved Life Enjoyment Relative to:
1. Openness to guidance by “inner voice feelings”
2. Experience of relaxation and well-being
3. Positive feelings about self
4. Interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
5. Feeling open when relating to others
6. Confidence when dealing with adversity
7. Compassion for and acceptance of others
8. Incidence of feelings of joy or happiness
Improved Overall Quality of Life relative to:
1. Personal Life
2. Oneself
3. Extent One Adapts to Change
4. Handling of problems in life
5. Actual Life Accomplishments
6. Life as a whole
7. Overall Contentment with life
8. Significant Other
9. Job
10. Life Being what One Wants it to Be
11. Romantic Life
12. Actual Work Done
13. Coworkers
What is the Research on Wellness Benefits of NS?
“Network Care has a direct effect on client self-reported wellness which is TWICE that expected from healthier lifestyle practices (exercise, risk avoidance, optimal food choices). Network also has a major indirect effect on wellness by promoting healthy lifestyle choices.’’
~ R.H. Blanks, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology,
University of California, Irvine
This means that if you eat a healthier diet, exercise, and quit smoking, you would still only experience HALF the amount of wellness you would experience from NetworkSpinal care! In addition, NetworkSpinal care naturally increases the tendency to make healthier lifestyle choices (exercise, nutrition, and risk reduction) that contribute to wellness.
What is Reorganizational Healing?
Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing
“On rare occasions, one can step back and say ‘Wow, that is a really good idea.’ Now might be that time.”
Robert Blanks, PhD
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
For Immediate Release
Groundbreaking “Reorganizational Healing” Model Puts Emphasis on Self-Awareness and Personal Will To Change To Achieve Optimal Mental and Physical Health
New Rochelle, NY, May 21, 2009—Reorganizational Healing (ROH), an emerging concept for wellness, healing, and personal growth, is explored in depth in a seminal groundbreaking article and accompanying commentaries in the latest issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, a peer-reviewed journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (www.liebertpub.com). The Reorganizational Healing articles are available free online at http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/acm.2009.0043.
Reorganizational Healing gives people the tools to create a map “to self-assess and draw on strengths to create sustainable change,” explain Dr. Donald Epstein, DC, Dr. Simon Senzon, MA, DC, and Dr. Daniel Lemberger, DC, in the article entitled, “Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing.”
“Instead of being meaningless, people’s problems become diseases of meaning…helping them become stronger, to live more fully and with more understanding,” write the authors. ROH incorporates three central elements: the Four Seasons of Well-Being, the Triad of Change, and the Five Energetic Intelligences.
“There can be no doubt that we are witnessing the birth of a powerful method of healing, grounded in rigorous scientific fact, that will become integral to future systems of healthcare. This is a manuscript that deserves study in all teaching and therapeutic institutions,” says Dr. Kim A. Jobst, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
Describing ROH as “a health change model whose time has come,” Professor Robert H.I. Blanks, PhD, Affiliated Faculty at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (Florida) asserts that ROH “presents a viable big-picture option for improving the health of individuals and addressing the current health care crisis in the United States and worldwide.”
One aspect of ROH, Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), uses electromyographic measurements of the central nervous system (CNS) to determine the organization and synchronization of electrical signals across the entire spine–whereas in neurologic disorders there is a lack of synchronization of these signals. However, with healing, the innate ability of the CNS to reorganize is harnessed so that the signals become less random and more predictable which is indicative of greater organization of the circuitry. “From this point of view, it is fair to assert that Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) provides some sort of ‘reorganization healing’,” writes Professor Edmond Jonckheere, PhD, from the University of Southern California, in a Letter to the Editor published in the same issue of the Journal.
“At a time when there is increasing global instability in financial, industrial, political, and social systems, healthcare is not exempt from the same apparent chaos. Such times are critical for evolution. They are Crises – moments of simultaneous danger and opportunity. At such times, the old dies to make way for new structures, new hierarchies of value and meaning if the opportunity can be seen and seized,” says Editor-in-Chief Jobst. “In this context, when individuals understand the relationship between their disease symptoms and their lifestyle choices, and most importantly are willing to take the steps needed for sustainable behavior change, they can achieve healthier, more fulfilling and more meaningful lives.”
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